Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Brushing up on Spanish may not be a bad idea either.

Hopefully I'm not forgetting anything!

Week 2

Okay, so stream of consciousness…well I’ll give this a go.
What I’m thinking right now is that we really shouldn’t have celebrated the whole Monday and Fridays off thing because now it doesn’t seem like enough. Maybe a to-do list will help:

1. Decide on a brilliant topic for what is becoming research-like paper evolving race, class and gender.
2. Comb through the 5 articles we have to use to find information to support my topic.
3. Write the brilliant research paper.
4. Make something for the potluck.
5. Go to the potluck.
6. Read the next chapter for History and analyze the 5 vocabulary words.
7. Sleep?
8. Go to the botanical gardens for more research help.
9. Find a primary source.
10. Figure out if microfilm can help/what it is…
11. Find a topic from that primary source.
12. Write an essay about that primary source.
13. Read the Open Veins of Latin American book.
14. Write a paper on that.
15. Write the proposal for our biology research project.
16. Prepare our proposal presentations.
17. Find more articles for biology.
18. Write the annotated bibliography for biology.
19. Make a website for our service learning project before next Tuesday.
20. Read the book that Professor
21. Contact Julie again about our project’s progress.
22. Start reading the next book/essay combo.
23. Start reading my Panama book.
24. And I just opened an email about a junior assessment test that I apparently have to take before I leave.

Okay so this list should help me have more of a direction, I hope. Or it just overwhelmed me more…I can’t decide. At least the sun is trying to peek through =)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

And so it begins!

I've never blogged before so we'll see how this goes...with a little help from Kelsey :)

I feel as if I have a double weekend and I'm really liking it. We've got a lot to accomplish so we'll need these days at some point. But until then, woo! This week has gone by so fast. I love the group I'm working with and I can't wait to get started. I didn't realize how much work we were beholding and it's a bit daunting. However, I'm excited to actually do something that's real! My group got a chance to hang out this weekend and watch a Shaman movie and I think we're more prepared for what to expect now.
We have a lot to work to do to get ready and there's a lot of work for the History and JINS class, but hopefully the paper work will pay off. I love getting to know the people we'll be traveling with better through the JINS identity assignment. It was something extremely personal right out of the gate but there's no better group that I would want to know about! I still think I'm more than 10% pop culture, but numbers were not my friend in this. My clumsiness should probably be up-ed also considering I slipped on the ice outside...go figure.
I love spending time with my friends before I go but I can't wait to leave at the same time! Hopefully I'll have better stories to tell next week that include more than a trip to Walmart...